Women's Leather Shoes For Spring At Lake Leather

Spring is in the air, and we here at Lake Leather are full of excitement and getting our heads down preparing with women's leather shoes for the spring/summer (SS) season. Fine leather sandals, boots, shoes, belts, bags & accessories for both men & women are just some of the things we offer! Spring is the traditional season of renewal and rebirth, so it feels very fitting that we are all feeling excited about the future, with some big and little changes in the pipeline for the next few months and the coming year. Springtime has always felt to me like Mother Nature’s deep breath before the plunge, her gathering herself before the frantic and serious business of Summer. I often have a feeling of excitement in my tummy in springtime, just with the anticipation of the months to come. Seeing the vibrant green leaf-burst on the trees; the happy shining faces of the spring flowers coming up from the warming earth; the green, green grass growing in the paddocks, strewn with frolicking gangs of lambs, running and jumping for joy, or peacefully sleeping in bundles. It’s a beautiful season.

Our new collection of women's leather shoes, sandals, boots and belts for spring as well as summer goodies are gradually arriving at the shops. Down here in Tassie, it is easy to forget just how much the rest of the world has been affected by coronavirus. Right now, as we are eagerly anticipating the arrival of our spring/summer collection, these travails are becoming increasingly obvious to us. With some of our collection coming from

other parts of the world – such as footwear from Spain and Turkey, or linen and silk clothing coming from Italy – the effects on production times and international shipping are all too apparent to us. Much of our SS stock is arriving slower and later than normal. We are grateful for what we have received so far and are excited to get the rest as it arrives. We are trying to keep up with adding the new seasonal stock to our online store so you can shop with us, wherever you are, for the quality and style you know you can rely on.
Any time I am shopping online, I find it is easy to forget that each and every one of the items I am perusing has been put on that online store by a human being. Someone, somewhere out there, has prepared and styled that item, has taken its picture, has edited those pictures fixing lighting and colour tones, has sat down and described the item, measured it, counted its pockets and tried to identify everything you might like to know to make it as easy as possible for me, the shopper, to find just the thing I am looking for.

Our Lake Leather website is no different. Overseeing the adding of stock to our website has really opened my eyes to the effort put into all those online shops and stores around the world. Over the past few years, since purchasing this business, I have been lucky enough to work alongside some very talented people while working on LL’s online presence and advertising (visit Online Marketing Group for SEO & eCommerce websites). It was a real eyeopener for me, who has a tendency to fly by the seat of my pants, just how many hours of planning go into the preparation for a shoot as well. So far I have been very happy to be the dogsbody on these shoot days, running errands and fetching and ensuring those with the skills are not wasting their valuable time unpacking and re-boxing, for example, the items to be photographed. I feel very fortunate I have had the opportunity to learn some new skills from these experiences, and this season I have put them into practice.

This time, as the new season stock has arrived, I have been doing my own photography. I have invested in a decent camera and have used everything I have learnt from the pros to pull off some pictures I am rather pleased with. I have an awfully long way to go, but I feel my first foray into taking pictures for the website has been ok. I have dabbled with an editing program to improve the light and colour tones of the pictures to try to make them as accurate and consistent as possible. I have cropped them to ensure they are well framed. I have written descriptions and measured the heels, described the materials and how they go on your foot. I’ve updated our website to get these new shoe styles online and ready to shop. Whizz on over to the online store section of our website to check out all of our products for the new summer styles we have on offer. You might just find your new favourite pair of shoes. Keep on checking in or follow our social media accounts to get alerts and to keep up with all our new season stock as it goes up online. There’s plenty more to come!
This past winter season has seen the launch of our newest endeavour – The Tasmanian Slipper Company. We installed the new workshop in the garage space of our Evandale shop and have two craftspeople out there as busy as bees. Annie and Shirl have been steadily working away each week to master the production of our sheepskin slippers. They really have come a long way!
The first couple of weeks produced nothing even close to saleable, and now their success rate is very good. We are now in the planning stages preparing for the launch of the Tas Slipper Co website. We will be launching this in early autumn next year, ready for the traditional season of slipper wearing - autumn and winter - a very cold season down here in our island home of Tasmania.

While thinking about this new website, and what we might want to include on it, we have realised that there are some other delicious items out there that complement our beautiful handmade slipper range. We’re in the process of sourcing some lovely high-quality cotton and linen PJs (pyjamas), luxurious lounge wear, snuggly blankets and cosy cushions to make your next slipper day the very best kind of day. Watch this space for more updates on the development of this exciting new endeavour.
Until next time xx